


Photo of Prof. Manuel Wimmer
Prof. Manuel Wimmer
Head of the Department of Business Informatics - Software Engineering, Johannes Kepler University Linz

Model Management for Digital Twins


Manuel Wimmer is Full Professor and Head of the Department of Business Informatics – Software Engineering at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. He received his Ph.D. and his Habilitation from TU Wien, Austria. He has been a research associate at the University of Malaga, Spain, a visiting professor at the University of Marburg, Germany as well as at TU Munich, Germany, and an assistant professor at the Business Informatics Group (BIG), TU Wien, Austria. Currently, he is also leading the Christian Doppler Laboratory on Model-Integrated Smart Production (CDL-MINT). In this context, he is developing modelling approaches for smart production facilities, as well as techniques for the continuous evolution of such systems based on digital twins. Moreover, he is/was involved in several national and international projects dealing with the foundations and application of model engineering techniques, especially metamodelling and model transformations, for domains such as tool interoperability, legacy tool modernization, model versioning and evolution, software reverse engineering and migration, Web engineering, Cloud computing, and flexible production systems.


We are currently facing a dramatically increasing complexity in engineering, operation, and management of systems with the emergence of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and the Internet-of-Things (IoT). This demands for comprehensive and systematic views on all system aspects (e.g., mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and software engineering) throughout the whole system life-cycle, moving Software Engineering closer to Systems Engineering.

To engineer such interdisciplinary systems, modeling is traditionally considered as the technique to understand and simplify reality through abstraction. Nowadays, models are more and more used beyond the engineering phases by connecting them to the observed runtime data of the operating systems in so-called digital twins. However, in order to use digital twins in an effective and efficient way, the quality of models must be ensured throughout the complete system life-cycle.

In my talk, I will first outline current research areas of digital twins from a software engineering perspective and then demonstrate how model management techniques are also beneficial for digital twins. Finally, I will conclude with some lessons learned from several projects and outline future challenges for managing the sustainability of digital twins.

bio abstract website

Your Talk

This year, participants have allocated slots of 15 + 10 minutes.
Please prepare slides that do not require more than 15 minutes of presentation, such that we have sufficient time for discussions.

Below you find a detailed schedule for the following meeting days. The remaining schedule will be published one day ahead of the meeting.

Technical note: please make sure to provide us with your slides at least 30 minutes before the start your session. You can mail your slides in PDF format (or link to Google Slides) to fosd2022@alice.wu.ac.at.


Tuesday, Mar 29 2022

LC.2.400 Clubraum

10:30 - 11:45: Session 1
  • Welcome
  • Exploiting d-DNNFs for Counting-Based Analysis of Feature Models
    Chico Sundermann
    University of Ulm
  • Analyzing a Change in Feature Model Views by Modeling Relationships Between Them
    Gökhan Kahraman
    Eindhoven University of Technology
13:15 - 14:30: Session 2
  • Static Data-Flow Analysis for Software Product Lines in C
    Philipp Dominik Schubert
    Paderborn University
  • Uniform Sampling with Binary Decision Diagrams
    Tobias Heß
    University of Ulm
  • Evolution of the Configuration Space in Modern Software Development
    Sebastian Simon
    Chair of Software Systems at Leipzig University
14:45 - 16:00: Session 3
  • Can Feature Mapping Hierarchies be reversed engineered from Presence Conditions?
    Christof Tinnes
    Siemens AG
  • Can I Upgrade This Library? Commit Interactions to Third-Party Libraries
    Sebastian Böhm
    Saarland University
  • TBA

Wednesday, Mar 30 2022

LC.2.400 Clubraum

09:00 - 10:15: Keynote
10:30 - 11:45: Session 4
  • Incremental Construction of Modal Implication Graphs for Evolving Feature Models
    Rahel Arens
    University of Ulm
  • SoftVR: Immersive Performance Hot-Spot Analyser
    Max Weber
    Leipzig University
  • A Generator Framework For Evolving Variant-Rich Software
    Christoph Derks
    Ruhr University Bochum
13:15 - 14:30: Session 5
  • Software Product Lines for CPS test models
    Hugo Araujo
    King's College London
  • Binary Encoding of Numeric Options in Highly-Configurable Software Systems
    Christian Kaltenecker
    Saarland University
  • Probabilistic Influence Model Building
    Johannes Dorn
    Leipzig University
14:45 - 16:00: Session 6
  • Simulating the Evolution of Software Variants with VEVOS
    Alexander Schultheiß
    Humboldt University of Berlin
  • Causal AI for Systems
    Pooyan Jamshidi
    University of South Carolina

Thursday, Mar 31 2022

LC.2.400 Clubraum

09:00 - 10:15: Session 7
  • Towards Trace-Based Synchronization of Variability Annotations in Evolving Model-Driven Product Lines
    Sandra Greiner
    University of Bayreuth
  • Comparing CNF Transformations for Feature-Model Analysis
    Elias Kuiter
    Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
  • Feature Causality with Effect Uncertainty
    Clemens Dubslaff
    TU Dresden
10:30 - 11:45: Session 8
  • tba: Towards comBinatorial interaction Analysis
    Thomas Thüm
    University of Ulm, Germany
  • Propagation of commits in preprocessor-based software product lines
    Gabriela Karoline Michelon
    Johannes Kepler University Linz
  • Reproducible Variability for Production Process Exploration
    Kristof Meixner
    CDL-SQI @ TU Wien
13:15 - 14:30: Session 9
  • Getting the most out of Twitter data via a distributed data harvesting framework
    Rositsa Ivanova
    Vienna University of Economics and Business WU
  • Technical Debt in Variability Management: Preliminary results and Future directions
    Wesley Klewerton Guez Assuncao
    Johannes Kepler University Linz
  • Correctness-by-Construction for Feature-Oriented Software Product Lines
    Tabea Bordis
    TU Braunschweig
14:45 - 16:00: Session 10
  • Testing Nested Variability in Railroad Systems
    Domenik Eichhorn
    ISF, TU Braunschweig
  • Multidisciplinary Delta-Oriented Variability Management: Towards Managing Variability in Cyber-Physical Production Systems
    Hafiyyan Sayyid Fadhlillah
    Johannes Kepler University Linz
  • Evolutionary Coupling of Features Using Co-Change Analysis
    Sandro Schulze
    Universität Potsdam/Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg

Friday, Apr 01 2022

EA.0.024 Foyer

Closing Event


We are glad to have the following participants1:

Name Affiliation Title
Alexander Schultheiß Humboldt University of Berlin Simulating the Evolution of Software Variants with VEVOS
Chico Sundermann University of Ulm Exploiting d-DNNFs for Counting-Based Analysis of Feature Models
Christian Kaltenecker Saarland University Binary Encoding of Numeric Options in Highly-Configurable Software Systems
Christof Tinnes Siemens AG, Saarland University Can Feature Mapping Hierarchies be reversed engineered from Presence Conditions?
Christoph Derks Ruhr University Bochum A Generator Framework For Evolving Variant-Rich Software
Clemens Dubslaff TU Dresden Feature Causality with Effect Uncertainty
Domenik Eichhorn TU Braunschweig, ISF Testing Nested Variability in Railroad Systems
Elias Kuiter Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg Comparing CNF Transformations for Feature-Model Analysis
Gabriela Karoline Michelon Johannes Kepler University Linz Propagation of commits in preprocessor-based software product lines
Gökhan Kahraman Eindhoven University of Technology Analyzing a Change in Feature Model Views by Modeling Relationships Between Them
Hafiyyan Sayyid Fadhlillah Johannes Kepler University Linz Multidisciplinary Delta-Oriented Variability Management: Towards Managing Variability in Cyber-Physical Production Systems
Hugo Araujo King's College London Software Product Lines for CPS test models
Johannes Dorn Leipzig University Probabilistic Influence Model Building
Kristof Meixner TU Wien Reproducible Variability for Production Process Exploration
Max Weber Leipzig University SoftVR: Immersive Performance Hot-Spot Analyser
Philipp Dominik Schubert Paderborn University Static Data-Flow Analysis for Software Product Lines in C
Pooyan Jamshidi University of South Carolina Causal AI for Systems
Rahel Arens University of Ulm Incremental Construction of Modal Implication Graphs for Evolving Feature Models
Rositsa Ivanova Vienna University of Economics and Business Getting the most out of Twitter data via a distributed data harvesting framework
Sandra Greiner Universität Bayreuth Towards Trace-Based Synchronization of Variability Annotations in Evolving Model-Driven Product Lines
Sandro Schulze Universität Potsdam Evolutionary Coupling of Features Using Co-Change Analysis
Sebastian Böhm Saarland University Can I Upgrade This Library? Commit Interactions to Third-Party Libraries
Sebastian Simon University Leipzig Evolution of the Configuration Space in Modern Software Development
Tabea Bordis TU Braunschweig Correctness-by-Construction for Feature-Oriented Software Product Lines
Thomas Thüm University of Ulm tba: Towards comBinatorial interaction Analysis
Tobias Heß University of Ulm Uniform Sampling with Binary Decision Diagrams
Wesley Klewerton Guez Assuncao Johannes Kepler University Linz Technical Debt in Variability Management: Preliminary results and Future directions

  1. The list is incomplete at the moment (except the speakers and a few exceptions), within the next days we will add all confirmed participants